Our Story
How it all started
The idea of the brand came to fruition in late 2020. I was failing classes in community college with no intention of trying to salvage the few credits I had a chance to earn. This reality combined with low self-esteem, rejection, and constant internal and external pressure to become bigger than who I am caused me to slip into a deeper sadness than I am used to. Throughout high school, I experienced these same feelings and always channeled them into over-exaggerated happiness and joy, while at night I couldn’t sleep and would just think for hours on end. Into college, these feelings never lessened, they only took a step up. Those same thoughts would creep into my day and affect my mood. The people around me noticed this and simply asked; “What’s going on?”, “You alright?”. These simple phrases saved my life. These acts of concern showed me there’s more to be looking forward to; that people are willing to take time out of their day for me, there are people who care. That being said, I never feel like a simple “thank you” is enough. These people are often overlooked for the amount of good they bring to my life and ultimately to others as well.
This brand is for that person who asked if you’re doing okay today, the person who you can always call, the person who wants more out of you, the person you can hang out with every…single…day. I wanted to create something that exemplifies the people who we value the most and the growth we experience with our closest friends, something that creates a community of great and genuine friends. A brand for your favorite Buddy.
We are focused on creating high-quality garments with high-quality messages. Creating a “cool” piece only lasts for as long as the trend does, but the meaning of the art lasts forever. As a company, we want to cultivate growth within each person who comes across the brand and show each person that they can be whoever they want to become. Through these acts of growth and self-development, we can change the world one community at a time, together.