It’s Friday night. You just got off work. You made plans with friends but they canceled again. You call your family to see if you guys can have dinner, but they’re out of town already. So you’re just alone…again.
It can be a shitty feeling at times. Those types of nights suck. No matter how hard you try, technology can’t fill that emptiness you feel. You try not to let it get the better of you at times but sometimes its overwhelming. How can we avoid this feeling is the real question. To be honest, there isn’t a one way to avoid the feeling, just a healthy way to deal with it.
How to never be alone: The Healthy Way.
An entry by Aidan Ramos
Always be busy. That way you won’t become reliant on other’s company in order to feel good. Theres a difference in being alone and being lonely. Alone is ok if you are in a good place mentally. Pick up that hobby you have always wanted to try. Write in your journal. Read that book that peaked your interest. Simply try to find something that fulfills that free time you’ve always had.
Self before others. You can’t be a great person to others if you aren’t in the best shape mentally and physically. Take this alone time to use it on yourself. You now have extra time to do something you’ve always wanted to do. It’s ok to say no to hang outs in order to take it easy. You may want to rest rather than go out and spend money. Sometimes you just wanna go on a drive at night by yourself rather than spend time with someone. It’s not that you don’t like them, you just want to be a better person for them. It’s like saying you want a clean house for a party, but no one will let you clean. You gotta give yourself time in order to clean so that you can have that party.
Learn how to have a good time by yourself. Since you’re with yourself 24/7, your opinion of yourself matters the most. The journey of self discovery is supposed to be lonely. How can you love yourself if you don't give yourself a chance. There’s always a million things to do and you never have time for them, but now you do. If we can ask you to take one thing away from this read, is to try new things and put yourself before others. So go have fun with yourself and always remember to just keep going :)