Growth- Explore, Dream, Discover

What is growth? When we were younger, growth simply meant, gaining strength, bigger bones, and running faster. Although this is true, as we *actually* grow up, we realize growth isn’t just a physical change but a mental one as well. Growth on the inside is something we should be striving for even past our days of physical growth. Pushing ourselves past what we think is our limit only sets us up to accomplish our big goals.

Growth isn’t linear. As we go through life, there are setbacks but we have no choice but to continue. Luckily, throughout this journey, we learn and pick up qualities that we didn’t have before.

For continued growth, we must continue to “Explore, Dream, and Discover”. How would we know we like something if we haven’t tried it yet? So I ask you to do the following: 1) Try something new today. 2) Think about that goal you’ve had in mind and write it down on paper. 3) Be curious.

Art by: @robin.artworld


Authentic- Your True Self Is Your Best Self


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