Who is Ricky?

Ricky is you! He is someone trying to figure out this thing called life. Life isn’t easy and he knows this. The trials and tribulations he goes through only teach him how he can improve and how much he can grow. By truly embodying this 📈growth mindset📈, the problems he faces merely scratch his armor and doesn’t dent it.

With the help of his friends, he pushes through adversity and they accomplish feats they can only dream of. This network of people around him are the people who are there to catch him when he falls or boost him up when he’s high. The power of 🤝togetherness🤝 gives him the foundation of who he is and what he is capable of.

Lastly, Ricky is 👑genuine👑. Ricky is unapologetically him. Sure his confidence can be rocked, his support system shaken, but at the end of the day Ricky knows who Ricky is and nothing is going to change that.

Time and time again he goes through tough spots but he knows the pillars of his life will never leave. With his growth mindset, his love for togetherness, and his genuineness, Ricky embodies what a true Buddy is. Now my question to you is: Have you?

Artwork by @allexvega


Growth- Explore, Dream, Discover
